When the office building on Mainzer Landstrasse 129 went up for sale, one thing was clear: the central location near the main railway station, in the heart of the metropolitan Frankfurt, was ideal for an urban living project. There’s huge demand for living space for people working in financial services in this area. Frankfurt’s significance as a financial centre is growing – and so is the demand for comfortable living options to suit the agile lifestyles of modern urban professionals. The concept of MONA LISA Urban Apartments was born.
The building was acquired by VIVUM Group and CURATOR REM AG as part of a joint venture in 2015. The project’s founding principle: creating a simple and comfortable living experience for commuters and budding entrepreneurs. With everything people need to feel good, co-living options and plenty of networking opportunities. A place for residents to get together, communicate and become part of an international community. At MONA LISA, residents have truly arrived in Frankfurt – and have everything they need to kickstart their future.
Shirin Donia in her studio – pictured here with her contemporary twist on Leonardo Da Vinci’s iconic Mona Lisa as it took shape. The monumental painting measuring more than 4 × 5 metres is an exclusive piece for MONA LISA Urban Apartments. For the artist, it’s directly linked to the area around Frankfurt – the place she calls home. Shirin Donia is known for her stylish outsize portraits and hopes the project’s initiators and residents will love her modern Mona Lisa.
As sustainable building and responsible action go hand-in-hand with an entrepreneurial approach, VIVUM is clear about its ESG commitment at all times. Issues like culture, ethics and the environment influence all our decision-making.
Accordingly, MONA LISA is a “KfW Efficiency House 55” building, which only consumes 55% of the primary energy of a reference building according to the German Energy Act (GEG). In particular, resource-efficient and eco-friendly mineral fibre panels were used for insulation. This offers residents additional benefits such as an improved indoor climate at all times of year and more pleasant surroundings made from natural materials.
To preserve the quality of the MONA LISA Urban Apartments and further enhance the feel of the space, an ultra-modern and highly efficient method is used for cleaning, based on the demineralisation of water (osmosis window cleaning). The water is completely free from minerals, with a purity level of up to 0 ppb (parts per billion). The (pure) H2O molecule-only flow is an effective way of keeping surfaces clean in the long term – without using any chemicals.
But what exactly is ESG – and can it be measured? The three letters stand for Environment, Social and Governance – and yes, it is measurable. As an ESG-certified business, eco-friendly action, social values and forward-looking, ethical management are among our top priorities. As such, we assess all our projects based on an individual ESG matrix. On this basis, MONA LISA Urban Apartments achieves an excellent score of 85 out of 100.
We make our decisions public (in accordance with Article 8 of the Disclosure Regulation) – for us, transparency is a matter of course.